THE Comedy Muscle

GET more laughs guaranteed

find your voice and point of view in standup comedy

Standup comedy is a muscle, it needs to get strong and in shape. It requires continuious repetition, time and dedication to become great. You can save years off your growth and development by taking this one hour video master class.

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Have a career in standup comedy

video master class

View Four Modules At Your Leisure:

Learn what type of comedian you are: Just as there are positions in basketball, baseball, and football, there are positions or types of standup comedians.

​Discover the most critical aspect of standup comedy you need to master to become a working class comedian that's always in demand.

"Writing " Understand that 9/10 of every joke is a surprise. Learn concepts that will set up your audience for bigger surprises.

​​Audience analysis: Learn how to read an audience, and how to manipulate their reaction in every situation.

Marketing your act: Learn how to build your persona and brand of comedy. Find management represenation so you can book corporate Gigs, and more.

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WHY I created THIS course

I created this course because frankley I was tired of seeing bad comedy at clubs, and on TV. Standup comedy was once a super-unique craft; where only misfits dared to pursue. Now it's become more commoditized and over-saturated, like bowling, miniature golf, and karaoke. There's a gold rush of people doing comedy today for nothing less than overnight success in TV, and film. Aspiring comedians must be willing to accept the humility that comes with this art form, and embrace it. They have to push as hard or harder as anyone chasing med school, or professional atheletics. There's a long road to glory, yet a longer road by not having the right training or instruction. If you're serious about stand up, you must realize that only 1/3 of all comedians you see at open mics are your real competition. Most people pursuing standup are just imposters. That being said, it takes endurance to be among the few that are successful.

Bring your audience to

The Core of Hysteria

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Funny people may be born, but great comedians are made. Learn how to become a great comedian with the right training and technique.

The Comedy Muscle video course is a game changer. By discovering what type of comedian I am, I can now focus on my true strengths to reach my full potential. I'm getting more laughs, more bookings and corporate gigs. No other course teaches the four phases of standup comedy like this course does, plus it's a video course and I can watch it on my schedule. I can even share it with friends since it never expires.

Brandon M.
Comedian/Podcast Host


1. Every great comedian needs to have a soap box.

2. Every great comedian needs to know who they are.

3. Every great comedian needs to have conviction.

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You have to believe in yourself.

This belief will exude confidence, which will manefest success.

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You must have endurance, if comedy is what you love doing, your love for comedy should be unwaivering.

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If you're doing your job successfully money and fortune will come. However money should never be the driving force.


My guarantee to you is that this course will transform your act if you focus on the details. If you execute these priniciples you’ll get results.

These are the same principles I have followed day in and day out for the last 15 years which have enabled me to get more genuine laughs.


Use your credit card below, or set up an easy payment plan.

ABOUT THE creator

I'm Emy Jay, I have been around standup comedy for over 30 years. I've performed comedy at the Comedy Store, Laugh Factory, Improv, and the Comedy Union. I've managed two comedy clubs in Hollywood Ca. I've seen the best comedians up close, from Chris Tucker, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, Joe Rogan, and many more. I've watched them first hand, work out their best material from the moment it was just a germ of an idea, until it was fully developed into a masterpeice. Truth be told; You can't cheat the craft. Building a great act takes years to hone, and it's a process of trial and error. Every comedian must understand and accept this in order to be successful. Fame and fortune should never be a comedians driving force. A true comedian should be obsessed with doing their job. A true comedian's job is: #1 to be original, #2 to Provoke thought, #3 to bring forth genuine laughter. I want to help you reach these goals by taking the roads less traveled. With this video course, your road to glory will be less turbulent, and frustrating. Standup comedy is a muscle. It has to be strengthened. Watch your act grow exponentially by putting the principles in this video course to work.

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